FC - Folorunso College
FC stands for Folorunso College
Here you will find, what does FC stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Folorunso College? Folorunso College can be abbreviated as FC What does FC stand for? FC stands for Folorunso College. What does Folorunso College mean?Folorunso College is an expansion of FC
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Alternative definitions of FC
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Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- FDJN Fondation Dr. Javad Nurbakhsh
- FINO Fondation International OLYMPAFRICA
- FLSS Fondation Leopold Sedar Senghor
- FAC Fonds D'aide et de Cooperation
- FSA Fonds de solidarite africain
- FAI Food for All International
- FGC Foresight Generation Club
- FHD Fort for Human Development
- FARA Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa
- FIN Forum for Indigenous Non-governmental Organisations
- FAAPPD Forum of African and Arab Parliamentaries on Population and Development
- FA Forward Africa
- FF Fosu Foundation